viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015
Begin by producing a written document about his life, his work and his
most important invention. This should include information about the most
important moments in his life and images. It should also show the importance of
his invention then after and the effect on our lives today.
Have a look at the templates about the wolf to present your work.
For Marie Curie you will also have to produce a presentation using PowToon.
Your group will dress up as important elements in the
life story and invention(s) of copernico, Galileo and Marie Curie. Within the groups one will be the scientist, or scientists and the others will dress up as objects related to their discoveries, a telescope, some radioactive element...
Drama. (for book
You are going to prepare a short sketch dramatising
the time of his greatest invention. You need to think about the characters,
write the script and perform it. It should last a few minutes (5 maximum). The
language should be fairly simple; the audience will be Y4.
for a picture of you aged 1 or 2. Don’t show to any of your partners. Send it
to my email address.
TASK ONE: You will need to record
temperatures, high and low throughout the following week (Monday to Sunday). Also
precipitation and sunny/cloudy to produce a table in which you will record it.
TASK TWO: I would like you to
send me photographs of where you are, but they will need to be related to the
weather or to one activity related to this time of the year and that has to do
with activities in farming , leisure or other activity relate to this time of
the year... It has to be your own picture. Write two or three lines explaining
what we can see there. ( EL TIEMPO Brasero. Antena 3)
jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015
- I shared with you two climate graphs of Madrid and London. Look and them and try to compare the two climates using sentences to compare. Write as many as you can. Make sure that you compare precipitacion, highest temperatures, lowest and when they happen.
- YOUR TEST There will be a simple Science test on Wednesday, You will just need to revise different climates and vegetation in europe. But there will be a piece of computer work for you to do. Go to page 40 of your book and make sure that you will be able to carry out the task described there.
- Your last task will be to reflect on the following thought and include in your presentation a little reflection about this:
Water pollution kills animals and can destroy whole ecosystems. All the water that people drinks comes from a natural source, usually a river or a lake. Dirty water can make us very ill. People can also be affected by water pollution when they eat fish that have been poisoned.Your reflection can consist of: some photos with comic like bubbles, a poem with some illustrations or a little video clip of you talking about it .
bacteria photos
Here are some photos of bacteria you can look at ... You will have to find visuses and fungi..
Here are some photos of bacteria you can look at ... You will have to find visuses and fungi..
miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015
You know when you’re horsing around at the beach and accidentally swallow a nasty gulp of salt water? Well I hate to break it to you but that foul taste wasn’t just salt. Photographer David Littschwager captured this amazing shot of a single drop of seawater magnified 25 times to reveal an entire ecosystem of crab larva,diatoms, bacteria, fish eggs, zooplankton, and even worms. Read more about what you probably don’t want to know at Dive Shield. We do admit the little crab larva in the lower right-h
and corner is pretty darned cute. (via Lost at E Minor)
and corner is pretty darned cute. (via Lost at E Minor)
viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015
We are about to learn about cells, which are the basic units of life.
Over the weekend, I would like you to do two tasks:
Watch the video clip below. It has been made with an application called PowToon. It compares a plant cell with an amusement park. Watch the video twice or three times. Identify the parts of the cells that your book shows on page 41.
Some of the parts are compared to the structure of an amusement park, which ones and to what are they being compared?
On the video, there are two spelling mistakes. Can you spot them?
What do you think about this type of presentation. Would you like to try and use it?
Cell Art
I want you to draw a picture using different types of cells. For example: plant cells, differetn animal cells from: heart tissue, muscle tissue, liver tissue , nervous tissue ( these are very interesting). Do it nicely on an A3 sheet of paper. You can use crayons or paint to colour it. Look for images of all these cells on the Internet and try to copy some of them to do your composition. On the back side of the paper you will need to describe how you did it and the types of cells that are shown. Remember, this needs to be a nice work of art inspired by cells.
Over the weekend, I would like you to do two tasks:
Watch the video clip below. It has been made with an application called PowToon. It compares a plant cell with an amusement park. Watch the video twice or three times. Identify the parts of the cells that your book shows on page 41.
Some of the parts are compared to the structure of an amusement park, which ones and to what are they being compared?
On the video, there are two spelling mistakes. Can you spot them?
What do you think about this type of presentation. Would you like to try and use it?
Cell Art
I want you to draw a picture using different types of cells. For example: plant cells, differetn animal cells from: heart tissue, muscle tissue, liver tissue , nervous tissue ( these are very interesting). Do it nicely on an A3 sheet of paper. You can use crayons or paint to colour it. Look for images of all these cells on the Internet and try to copy some of them to do your composition. On the back side of the paper you will need to describe how you did it and the types of cells that are shown. Remember, this needs to be a nice work of art inspired by cells.
viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015
Study all the pages in the book but also your factfiles about blood and heart, You will need to be able to label a heart. You must know pulmonary circulation and systemic. I am also going to ask you about how to keep your circulatory and excretory system healthy. You can find information on the kidshealth web.
Do activities 1 and four from your book.
You are going to produce a leaflet about blood donation. on this leaflet you will have to give information about what to do if you want to be a donator. On the blog there is a link where you can find information. There is also a video clip that I posted a few days ago. Imagine this leaflet is for someone who lives in Zamora. You will need to give information on where to go to donate in Zamora and how to find out the days when you can go. On Monday, in class, you can share with the others what you have done and share it. Finally it will have to be printed for the test.
Study all the pages in the book but also your factfiles about blood and heart, You will need to be able to label a heart. You must know pulmonary circulation and systemic. I am also going to ask you about how to keep your circulatory and excretory system healthy. You can find information on the kidshealth web.
Do activities 1 and four from your book.
You are going to produce a leaflet about blood donation. on this leaflet you will have to give information about what to do if you want to be a donator. On the blog there is a link where you can find information. There is also a video clip that I posted a few days ago. Imagine this leaflet is for someone who lives in Zamora. You will need to give information on where to go to donate in Zamora and how to find out the days when you can go. On Monday, in class, you can share with the others what you have done and share it. Finally it will have to be printed for the test.
miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015
THIS IS ALL ABOUT BLOOD DONATION. Read it an also watch the video posted before.
THIS IS ALL ABOUT BLOOD DONATION. Read it an also watch the video posted before.
lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015
Pulse experiment
Analyse your report.
Introduction: write here what we did.
Insert your table with tyour results and your parteners' and do a line graph to record resting, standing, after running for one minute, after jumping for one minute. Include you and your partners result.
Conclusions about the experiment.
Why do you think this happened? Do some research on how pulse rate is affected and what it depends on.
viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015
Study the circulatory system. Wach video clips again and revise what's in the web kidshealth.
Using word art or "formas" do a sketch of the circulatory system, using the information on the worksheet and the information abour pulmonary and systemic information.
Look for a picture of a labeled heart and put it in the middle of your diagram. Use boxes and arrows to write all the different steps of pulmonary circulation. Then do systemic circulation around.
Study the circulatory system. Wach video clips again and revise what's in the web kidshealth.
Using word art or "formas" do a sketch of the circulatory system, using the information on the worksheet and the information abour pulmonary and systemic information.
Look for a picture of a labeled heart and put it in the middle of your diagram. Use boxes and arrows to write all the different steps of pulmonary circulation. Then do systemic circulation around.
miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015
lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015
Social Science Test Tuesday 17th november
- Read and study pages 22,23,24 and 25 of your book. Study your graphical organizer on your computer.
- Make sure that you know the names and the location of the highest peaks in Europe and the country and mountain range they belong to.
- You will need to know the names of oceans, seas, penisnsulas and islands in Europe.
- I am going to ask you to compare the reliefs of Great Britain and Spain.
- You will need to give definitions for gulfs, capes, fjords and straits with two examples for each.
- You will need to complete a blank map of Europe with all the landmarks that appear on page 22-23.
- This time you will need TO BRING a sheet of paper with 5 true/false questions for your partners. IF YOU DON'T BRING THAT you will not get any questions from anyone and you will fail that question.
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015
lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015
You will need to visit Norway or Sweden. You will need to plan your visit and do the planning.
Ex- Sunday- Leave Zamora on coach to Madrid 15:00 Plane leaves Madrid 20:00 Arrive in __________ at..... You will need to say what you will be doing everyday. Places you will visit, activities you will do there. How you will get there coach, train, plane??? The first thing to do will be to find information about what you can do in these countries, places you can visit , activities...
Imagine that you have done the journey and you have come back. Write down what you enjoyed best and things that you couldn't do
because you had no time, or you couldn't do it for some other reason.
Ex- Sunday- Leave Zamora on coach to Madrid 15:00 Plane leaves Madrid 20:00 Arrive in __________ at..... You will need to say what you will be doing everyday. Places you will visit, activities you will do there. How you will get there coach, train, plane??? The first thing to do will be to find information about what you can do in these countries, places you can visit , activities...
Imagine that you have done the journey and you have come back. Write down what you enjoyed best and things that you couldn't do
because you had no time, or you couldn't do it for some other reason.
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
Sweet Spain
These maps of Spain have been made by children in year six. They used plasticine and sweets to make them. Then we took the pictures and the last step will be to label them using ITC.
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015
Rivers in Europe
Do a factfile about a river. Include a picture.
Name of river:
Source of the river:
Where it is located:
Cities it flows through:
River mouth:
Human activity there:
Write down a paragraph explaining why you have chosen this river and what you would like to do there if you had the chance to visit the place and the river.
The whole piece of work should be done on a word document.
martes, 27 de octubre de 2015
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015
SOCIAL SCIENCE TEST Wednesday 29Th October
For this test you will need:
To study the map on page 15 and be able to locate all the mountain ranges, mountain chains and peaks in THE PIECES OF TEXT FROM the book.
Study page 14,15,16, 17,18 and 20 and 21 and also locate on the map those landforms.
Revise the activities in the book and the worksheets I gave you.
For this test you will need:
To study the map on page 15 and be able to locate all the mountain ranges, mountain chains and peaks in THE PIECES OF TEXT FROM the book.
Study page 14,15,16, 17,18 and 20 and 21 and also locate on the map those landforms.
Revise the activities in the book and the worksheets I gave you.
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
Power point
Slide 1-Take a picture of your map. Label de mountain chains and ranges and the plateaus.
Slide 2 and 3. Put some pictures of 8 places in these mountain ranges , chains, plateaus or rivers. Write one sentence below saying where it is and one more sentence about human activity there.
This power point should be shared with me before Tuesday.
Power point
Slide 1-Take a picture of your map. Label de mountain chains and ranges and the plateaus.
Slide 2 and 3. Put some pictures of 8 places in these mountain ranges , chains, plateaus or rivers. Write one sentence below saying where it is and one more sentence about human activity there.
This power point should be shared with me before Tuesday.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015
Map of Spain
You are going to create a model of a landscape map of Spain.
A piece of cardboard A3 size.
A template of the map of Spain.
Some blue paint or paper or any other materials you like for the seas and oceans.
Some sweets (gominolas) to model the mountain chains and mountain ranges in the small map of Spain in your book.
You will also sweets for the rivers.
The plateau and river basins can be made using plasticine.
Bring the model to class on Thursday 15th. There we will take some pictures of the models for you to work on them on the computer.
Social Science test Year 6
You should:
Study pages 4 and 5 to be able to answer simple questions.
To know the definitions of parallel, meridian, latitude and longitude.
To locate the agreed countries on the map and give a bit of information about each country.
To work out the time in these countries.
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015
viernes, 10 de abril de 2015
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015
viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015
You are ready for the test if you:
You are ready for the test if you:
- know the different ways of representing the earth (world map, globe, political map, relief map..) and can tell the differences and their uses.
- What a scale is and the different types of scales.
- All the definitions in the glossary.
- How to work out coordenates.
- Names of continents and characteristics( What it is in the book)
- Oceans and their characteristics
- Be able to locate in a world map these countries:
Alaska, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Morocco, South Africa, Egypt, Tunissia, Kenia, Russia, China, India, Iran, Japan , Australia, New Zealand, Greenland, and all the oceans.
Study the information about continents on page 112 to be able to locate natural landmarks in the world map.
martes, 10 de febrero de 2015
Roman Women
Here is a piece of text about Roman Women for you to read and extract some information.
Roman women usually married in their early teenage years, while men waited until they were in their mid-twenties. As a result, the materfamilias (mother of the family) was usually much younger than her husband.
As was common in Roman society, while men had the formal power, women exerted influence behind the scenes. It was accepted that the materfamilias was in charge of managing the household. In the upper classes, she was also expected to assist her husband’s career by behaving with modesty, grace and dignity.
Baby love?
The influence of women only went so far. The paterfamilias had the right to decide whether to keep newborn babies. After birth, the midwife placed babies on the ground: only if the paterfamilias picked it up was the baby formally accepted into the family.
If the decision went the other way, the baby was exposed – deliberately abandoned outside. This usually happened to deformed babies, or when the father did not think that the family could support another child. Babies were exposed in specific places and it was assumed that an abandoned baby would be picked up and taken a slave.
Infant mortality
Even babies accepted into the household by the paterfamilias had a rocky start in life. Around 25 percent of babies in the first century AD did not survive their first year and up to half of all children would die before the age of 10.
As a result, the Roman state gave legal rewards to women who had successfully given birth. After three live babies (or four children for former slaves), women were recognized as legally independent. For most women, only at this stage could they choose to shrug off male control and take responsibility for their own lives.
Roman wives were expected to have children, but the women of the
aristocracy, accustomed to a degree of independence, showed a growing
disinclination to devote themselves to traditional motherhood. By the 1st
century CE, most elite women avoided
breast-feeding their infants themselves, and hired wet-nurses.[75] The extent to which Roman women might
expect their husbands to participate in the rearing of very young children seems
to vary and is hard to determine. Family-values traditionalists such as Cato
appear to have taken an interest: Cato liked to be present when his wife bathed
and swaddled their child.[82]
Large families were not the norm among the elite even by the Late Republic; the family
of Clodius Pulcher, who had at least three sisters and two brothers, was
considered unusual.[83] The birth rate among the aristocracy declined to such
an extent that the first Roman emperor Augustus (reigned 27 BCE–14 CE) passed a series
of laws intended to increase it, including special honors for women who bore at
least three children (the ius trium liberorum).[84] Those who were unmarried, divorced,
widowed, or barren were prohibited from inheriting property unless named in a
Roman women were not only valued for the number of children that they
produced, but also for their part in raising and educating children to become
good citizens. To rear children for successful lives, an exemplary Roman mother
needed to be well-educated herself.[86]
Roman women were not confined to their house as were Athenian women in
the Archaic and Classical periods. Wealthy women
traveled around the city in a litter carried by slaves.[135] Women
gathered in the streets on a daily basis to meet with friends, attend religious
rites at temples, or to visit
the baths. The wealthiest families had private baths at home, but most people went
to bath houses not only to wash but to socialize, as the larger facilities
offered a range of services and recreational activities,.
For entertainment women could attend debates at
the Forum, the public games (ludi), chariot races, and theatrical performances. By the late
Republic, they regularly attended dinner parties, though in earlier times the
women of a household dined in private together.[137] Conservatives such as Cato the Elder (234–149 BCE) considered it improper for
women to take a more active role in public life; his complaints indicated that
indeed some women did voice their opinions in the public sphere.[138]
Though the practice was discouraged, Roman
generals would sometimes take their wives with them on military campaigns. Caligula's mother Agrippina the Elder often accompanied her husband Germanicus on his campaigns in northern Germania, and
the emperor Claudius was born in Gaul for this reason. Wealthy women might tour the empire, often
participating or viewing religious ceremonies and sites around the empire.[139] Rich women traveled to the countryside
during the summer when Rome became too hot.[140]
Roman divorce was as simple as marriage. Just as marriage was only a
declaration of intent to live together, divorce was just a declaration of a
couple’s intent not to live together. All that the law required was that they
declare their wish to divorce before seven witnesses.
Because marriages could be ended so easily, divorce was common, particularly in the upper classes. When she divorced, a wife could expect to receive her dowry back in full and would then return to patria potestas – the protection of her father. If she had been independent before her wedding, she would regain her independence upon divorce.
Because marriages could be ended so easily, divorce was common, particularly in the upper classes. When she divorced, a wife could expect to receive her dowry back in full and would then return to patria potestas – the protection of her father. If she had been independent before her wedding, she would regain her independence upon divorce.
Roman women usually married in their early teenage years, while men waited until they were in their mid-twenties. As a result, the materfamilias (mother of the family) was usually much younger than her husband.
As was common in Roman society, while men had the formal power, women exerted influence behind the scenes. It was accepted that the materfamilias was in charge of managing the household. In the upper classes, she was also expected to assist her husband’s career by behaving with modesty, grace and dignity.
Baby love?
The influence of women only went so far. The paterfamilias had the right to decide whether to keep newborn babies. After birth, the midwife placed babies on the ground: only if the paterfamilias picked it up was the baby formally accepted into the family.
If the decision went the other way, the baby was exposed – deliberately abandoned outside. This usually happened to deformed babies, or when the father did not think that the family could support another child. Babies were exposed in specific places and it was assumed that an abandoned baby would be picked up and taken a slave.
Infant mortality
Even babies accepted into the household by the paterfamilias had a rocky start in life. Around 25 percent of babies in the first century AD did not survive their first year and up to half of all children would die before the age of 10.
As a result, the Roman state gave legal rewards to women who had successfully given birth. After three live babies (or four children for former slaves), women were recognized as legally independent. For most women, only at this stage could they choose to shrug off male control and take responsibility for their own lives.
miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015
martes, 3 de febrero de 2015
Homework for Wenesday
New page for the project:
The fusing of a sperm cell and an egg cell which will develope into a zygote, and embryo , a fetus and finally a baby. Pregnancy lasts nine months (39-42 weeks)
You will need to explain what are: IDENTICAL TWINS, FRATERNAL TWINS AND TRIPLETS, QUADRUPLETS AND QUINTRUPLETS. Write two or three lines for each one and make sure that you explain how many sperm cells and eggs are involved in each case.
Cut out the pictures of the babies and stick them onto a new piece of paper. Write the information next to them.
New page for the project:
The fusing of a sperm cell and an egg cell which will develope into a zygote, and embryo , a fetus and finally a baby. Pregnancy lasts nine months (39-42 weeks)
You will need to explain what are: IDENTICAL TWINS, FRATERNAL TWINS AND TRIPLETS, QUADRUPLETS AND QUINTRUPLETS. Write two or three lines for each one and make sure that you explain how many sperm cells and eggs are involved in each case.
Cut out the pictures of the babies and stick them onto a new piece of paper. Write the information next to them.
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