miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013



1. Do a factile about the Moon . make sure that you include the facts listed below:

  • What it is.
  • When and how it was formed.
  • Movements: rotation and revolution around the Earth.
  • What it is made of and what its surface looks like.
  • Approximate size and distance from the Earth.
  • Moon race -When was the first time man landed on the Moon - name of astronauts. Other missions after this one. when was the last time man was on it.
  • Why it is important for life on Earth.
  • Include a picture on your factfile.

2. do the worksheet about phases of the Moon. Draw out all the moons and label them.

3. Copybook: Watch the sky from Wednesday night to Sunday night and draw in your copybook the Moon that you could see and the name of the phase.

Links and video clips you will need to use as sources of information for your pieces of work:


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