viernes, 13 de junio de 2014



Read page 125 and do activities 1 and 2.

Read page 126 and do a factfile about a river in Europe.
Include: Where it is. Where it starts and where it finishes  ( source and mouth of the river)  Where it flows through, any bridges? How many? What are they called?   Human activity along the river ( farming, fishing, trasnport, free time activities..)

homework year 5

Read the text Too cold? on page 113.

Do you have air conditioning at home? Write two advantages and two disadvantages of having air conditioning.

Write an slogan to encourage people to use air conditioning wisely.

Do the Hands On    Interpreting a climate graph. page 113

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

How to write a postcard


Click on the link above to find a postcard template.

Write a postcard from a holiday resort.

  • Say where you are, how long you have been there for, what the weather is like, how you are passing your time , what you are doing there, places you have visited, a little description of the beaches, mountains there, if you are enjoying yourself..
  • Look at postcards on the Internet but also at real ones that you might keep at home
  • At teh bottom of the blank side of the postcard, you should write the name of the place depicted on the postcard
  • Make sure that you write the name an address of the person who is getting the postcard.
DEADLINE  Wednesday or Friday next week