viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Watch this videoclip about" how we can  see" and do a flow chart using some of these connectors:


Do the same about " How we can hear" Try to find this information in kids health.

You can do this on your computer. Don't forget to put it in your file.

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

You are ready for this test if you can:

  • Write down the definitions and tasks of the bones we studied in class.
  • Can answer multiple choice questions about bones, joints and muscles, for that You must:

                               - Revise and study the 2 power points about bones and joints
                               - Use the diagram of the bones to locate bones and learn about their tasks.

                              - Use the diagram of joints you did to help you study.

  • The test will include: Some multiple choice questions, a diagram of a skeleton for you to label bones an some definitions of bones.

This has nothing to do with the test:  Could you give me a tiny piece of paper where a sentence where you say what you would like to learn about if you could choose a topic in Science. Thank you.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Homework for Monday

1- Joints.

Go to this link and click on Joints. Do aconcept map or diagram that includes: A definition of joints, types of joints , how they work and where they are located. Include pictures.

2. Worksheet: Use a measuring tape to measure the bones of someone younger or older that you.
Compare the different measures and write down some conclusions. You must also measure how tall you and the other person are. Can you find any relationship in between the length of some bones and your hight?   Upload a picture of you and the person you are measuring in your file in the google drive.

Have a good weekend and enjoy yourselves!!!

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


Click on thisto find some information to answer the questions in the worksheet that was given to you this morning. (Read where it says  "article"

Bone experiment:
This is the layout of the worksheet you'll have to produce.

Bone experiment:
Materials I will use:
Procedure: Take a chicken wing bone........
Hypothesis: I think this will happen::::    
What happened:
Deadline: In 2 weeks the latest.

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014


Click on the link below and find a prasentation called:  The human body (Krisy Dover) Go through it two or three times and try to remember some of the bones and their task.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


Click on the link and watch  keeping healthy.... Write down in your copy book some bits of information that you think you should include in your factfile about the heart.