viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Here are some wonderful posters for an anti smoking campaign. they were made by children in Year 6.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Geography homework

Read through the Spanish coasts. Find pictures for a landmark in each coast.
Think and design in your exercise book a chart or a graphic organiser to organise the information.
You can find graphic organisers in Word Art.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016


You are going to watch some videos and read some information about reasons not to smoke and anti smoking campaigns.
For your test you will need to read the information carefully as I will ask somme questions related to that.
Then, you will need to design a poster for an anti-smoking campaign. You can use your computer but it also could be handmade. You can also do something similar to the sweet map of Spain.
Don't forget that you will need to create a catchy slogan to persuade people not to smoke. You have many examples in the Internet but you will need to create your own.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Map of Spain

You are going to create a model of a landscape map of Spain. Materials you will need: A piece of cardboard size A3 A template of the map of Spain Some plasticine Some sweets (gominolas) Some paint Method: Paint the seas and oceans in blue or use some paper to model them. For landscape: Look at the small map in your book for mountain chais and mountain ranges. These you will model using the sweets. For the plateaus and river basins you can use plasticine or clay. you will need to make the rivers using some gominolas too. Don't forget about the Canary and the Baleasric islands. Use your imagination to model them. Bring the model to school on Thursday 15th october and we use some glue as varnish. Then we will take pictures of your models and you will label them on your computer. More insturctions for this will be given in class.

Food Rap

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Social Science homework

Read pages 98 and 99 about transition and democracy. Do activities on page 99 and 1,2 and 3 on page 103. Also on page 103 read Show your skills and pick out one of the three pieces of work to hand in with your test on Wednesday.

Study and pay attention to all the pictures in this unit.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

Watch this video about the Guernica children. Then, write 5 questions you would like to ask them if you could and 5 questions you would ask to their parents. You don't need to answer those questions.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016



We have been learning about children at work in Victorian times, the times of the Insustrial Revolution.
Watch this video:

You will find more information on this link. This website is BBC Primary History- victorian Britain. It is very useful and you will also find information about children in factories and children in mines.

And then read some diaries written by victorian children on this link:


You are going to imagine that you are a victorian boy/girl working in a factory/mine/sweeping chimneys....

You will write a diary entry similar to the ones you have read.


Time you get up and breakfast.
Time spent in work describing what you have to do.
Accidents you or the others have had.
Time you spend with family.
Any time to play?
How you feel.
Your wishes and expectations.

Do a nice writing on nice paper if you like. You can stick picture of your victorian self if you like.

Find more information about schoold in Victorian times on this website and do the quiz. After that complete your word document with some of the information you found here.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

TASK 1: Read about the Industrial Revolution on this link:

Use a word document to do a diagram about the most imporant facts of this revolution.

Do it in landscape and include these headings:

Inventions, housing, pollution and ill health, working conditions, working children.

Yo can include photographs. For the inventions you will also need to find some extra information on page 86 of the book.

TASK 2: during the time of the Industrial revolution, Queen Victoria ruled the UK. That is why this period of history is known as Victorian Times.

Watch these three videos and do a table to compare schools from victorian times with our schools. focus on : How the schools look like, children's behaviour, teaching methods and punishment. You can do this on the same word document as task 1.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Watch this video clip about a mushroom farm. Listen to it carefully but also observe the images. four or five times will be good. Then you will have to do a quizz about it.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016


Do some research on tourism in Sanabria and write down  a piece of writing taking into consideration the positive and negative effects of tourism. Don't forget to plan first. 

Positive effects                                                                            Negative effects           

Find some inspiration on this link but you should also find information about Sanabria natural park

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016


You are ready for this test if:

  • You know the elements in the economy
  • The resources of companies and what they are.
  • Types of companies
  • Structure of companies
  • Advertising techniques
  • The meaning of:

Cash, debit cards, credit cards, electronic payments,budget,savings, profit, investors, investments.

Hand in the activity on page 50.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2016


- Do the copy about a warm an safe uterus.
- Do a file about your birth  Include: Day you where born ( date and day of the week), length,
Birth details: was it a natural birth? cesarean section? were you at risk, a premature baby?
You can do ti on your computer or handwritten.

On MOnday, you will do Social Science at 11 and Natural Science last thing in the morning.

Have a good weekend.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016


  • Finish off your piece of work about Hamleys
  • Page 45 of your book: Do Work with the picture adding two more companies: Google and Facebook. You will also need to find the names of the presidents of these companies.
  • Do this work in your notebook. You will have to draw the logos of the companies.
Do the diagram (computer or copybook), and write one sentence for each stage.