viernes, 29 de enero de 2016


- Do the copy about a warm an safe uterus.
- Do a file about your birth  Include: Day you where born ( date and day of the week), length,
Birth details: was it a natural birth? cesarean section? were you at risk, a premature baby?
You can do ti on your computer or handwritten.

On MOnday, you will do Social Science at 11 and Natural Science last thing in the morning.

Have a good weekend.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016


  • Finish off your piece of work about Hamleys
  • Page 45 of your book: Do Work with the picture adding two more companies: Google and Facebook. You will also need to find the names of the presidents of these companies.
  • Do this work in your notebook. You will have to draw the logos of the companies.
Do the diagram (computer or copybook), and write one sentence for each stage.