jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015


  • I shared with you two climate graphs of Madrid and London. Look and them and try to compare the two climates using sentences to compare. Write as many as you can. Make sure that you compare precipitacion, highest temperatures, lowest and when they happen.

  • YOUR TEST    There will be a simple Science test on Wednesday, You will just need to revise different climates and vegetation in europe. But there will be a piece of computer work for you to do. Go to page 40 of your book and make sure that you will be able to carry out the task described there.
  • Your last task will be to reflect on the following thought and include in your presentation a little reflection about this:

Water pollution kills animals and can destroy whole ecosystems. All the water that people drinks comes from a natural source, usually a river or a lake. Dirty water can make us very ill. People can also be affected by water pollution when they eat fish that have been poisoned.Your reflection can consist of: some photos with comic like bubbles, a poem with some illustrations or a little video clip of you talking about it .

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